Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prompt #12: Sign Off

Nice mental gymnastics tonight, Group.  Thanks for stretching me.

Reflective practice is the foundation of our growth (however quickly or slowly we choose to push it).

Assignments and slides for next week are sitting in your inbox.

Let’s plan on meeting Face-to-Face at WBU on April 2.

Good night.

Prompt #11: Educational Psychology, Chapters 7

If you were charged with creating a bumper sticker that captures the essence of Chapter 7, what would it say?

Prompt #10: Educational Psychology, Chapters 6

Connect some topic discussed in Chapter 6 with one of the topics researched by the class for tonight.  

Make that connection easy for us to understand. 

Prompt #9: Brain-Based Learning (Mendez)

Review the research of Mendez on Brain-Based Learning.

Describe for us a teacher in your past who seemed skillful in leveraging this concept.  How did he/she do it?

Prompt #8: Social Intelligence (Peterson)

Review the research of Peterson on Social Intelligence.

Describe two ways that you can attempt to affect growth in the students you teach that will enhance their “social intelligence.”

Prompt #7: Motivation Theories of Daniel Pink (Parker)

Review the research of Parker on Pink’s Motivation Theories.

IF Pink is correct, in what ways would you most need to learn/grow/change in order to leverage his assertions about motivation?