Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prompt #6: Theory X and Theory Y (Meza)

Review the research of Meza on Theory X and Y. 

Describe a teacher from your experience whom you believe to have operated primarily from a Theory X perspective.

Describe one whom you believe to have operated primarily from a Theory Y perspective. 


  1. When I was in first grade( it's been a long time!!), I had a teacher that was mean.She would check our every move. She would walked with a ruler in her hand. She was a theory x teacher.
    Theory Y teacher who taught a elective social studies class for juniors and seniors. He would give us the guidelines and then let us loose. He was very laid back. For this class, you had to be self motivated and keep up with your work and deadlines. He would trust us to get our work done because that is what we would do.

  2. My failed attempt to learn Spanish in high school, now that I think about it may have been more to do with the teacher. (Yes I will take some responsibility) He learned Spanish while in Spain and that posed a small problem because of the dialect that was used. But the biggest concern was that genetics did not give me the ability to roll my R's. He found this to be very hard to understand and went as far as tell my parents that I would fail the class if I didn't learn to roll my R's and that I was just not wanting to do it. I didn't fail, but it wasn't my highest grade ever.

    The Theory Y teacher from my past would have to be my 8th grade English teacher. She was great in thinking outside of the box when it came to the learning game. One of the biggest memories I have of her class was we each had to memorize a poem and present it to the class. She recorded everyone of us. At our 10yr reunion she played the video for us and still continues to show her support.

  3. I had a English teacher in high school who was a theory x teacher. The teacher assumed that we were lazy and did not care what we learned. The teacher just gave up on the class because she made assumptions about us because we talked to much in class. The teacher was not very encouraging to us so that made us want to prove she was right.

    I had a history teacher in high school who was a theory y teacher. The teacher believed in us and it made it easy to want to work hard and to get work done. The teacher wanted the best for us and we wanted her to be right.

  4. I was pretty fortunate to not have many Theory X teachers - the closest I can think of would my Chemistry teacher in high school. He told us outright at the beginning of the school year that our generation was by nature authentically moronic couldn't expect to do well. He was a peach.

    My US West history professor last year was pretty much the embodiment of Theory Y. He had very specific objectives that we were to meet, but we had equal share in presenting the information and being part of the learning process, and I learned a great deal under his tutelage.

  5. I would have to say that my third grade teacher exhibited the most characteristics from Theory X. She really did have an attitude about students overall. It seemed that she believed we were all just trouble makers and not really interested in learning. This is the only teacher that I could see the most this way. Not trying to kiss up; I would say that the teacher that fits theory y is NC. He just has such an exhuberance about him that keeps us engaged whether we want to or not. He trusts us and treats us as adults. He has expectations and they are clear and he also gives us the opporunity to express ourselves and share our vast knowledge and expertise.

  6. My Theory X teacher was in 5th grade,she assumed we did not understand the assignment and would do the work for us so we would not fail her class.

    My Theory y teacher was my Geology Instructor here at Wayland, he was so passionate about his subject that it was always interesting seeing his expressions and drawings.
