Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prompt #10: Educational Psychology, Chapters 6

Connect some topic discussed in Chapter 6 with one of the topics researched by the class for tonight.  

Make that connection easy for us to understand. 


  1. Short-term effects: test performance is a topic from chapter six that fits with Brain Based Learning. According to the text women may exhibit anxiety by being asked her gender on an answer sheet for a math test. This tends to lower scores for women especially if the test is difficult.

  2. The figure on page 207 - Culture as an iceberg - resonated with me throughout the entire Chapter, and I thought about it while I was preparing my portion of the slides over Social Intelligence. It's so easy to relegate "culture" as how someone looks, how they sound, how they behave, etc. Rather, whole behaviors (definition of showing respect, concept of personal space, etc.), and how many of those things can be met with derision from those who are culturally different. Having a culturally inclusive classroom is becoming more and more important.

  3. In chapter 6 it talks about ethnicity, race and minority group and that connects to habits of the mind. In habits of the mind, one of the sixteen is listening to Others with Understanding and Empathy. I think as future teachers we need to have understanding for those students who have different beliefs and customs that we do. We need to remember how important this student ethnicity is to those students. We need to teach our students to have understanding and empathy for students different from them. We need more tolerance for people different from us.

  4. Chapter 6 discusses the Stereotype Threat is in direct relation to Emotional Intelligence. If a student has some type of connection to a stereotype this can interfere what their actual capabilities are as opposed to what is expected of them.

  5. In chapter 6 talks about students experiencing a " stereotype threat." According to our text book, students that feel they are being treated by stereotype display the stereotype and students that are not under that circumstance do not display the stereotype. When I read this, I first thought about emotional Intelligence. Sometimes even if we do think that a student meets a stereotype, as a teacher I have to oversee that so that I am able to teach an the student can be relaxed and be able to learn. Also, thought of social intelligence, if I treat the student with respect usually they show respect back does not matter how they look or at one point acted.

  6. Culture conflicts and compatibilites: culture differences can create labeling of groups, for instance Asian Americans graduate more students so they are labled as "model minorities" (theory Y)
