Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prompt #7: Motivation Theories of Daniel Pink (Parker)

Review the research of Parker on Pink’s Motivation Theories.

IF Pink is correct, in what ways would you most need to learn/grow/change in order to leverage his assertions about motivation?


  1. I was most struck by the first point in the listed compelling thoughts/ideas: Rewards by nature narrow our focus. I have noticed in the limited experience I have leading a lesson, or a meeting, etc., that once my audience reaches the destination I had intended, I declare victory. Perhaps I need to gear myself more toward cultivating creativity where opportunity exists, and not being satisfied with only reaching a simple objective. (At least, maybe not always.)

  2. One area I need to work on is helping a student to be to be self-independent. Because I have much theory X in me, I like to be aware of students at all times. With the students I have been exposed to I have to be aware of my surroundings at all times. I need to learn how to trust a student especially if he has demonstrated trustworthiness and how to a get a student that struggle with self- independence to be independent.

  3. I will need to learn how to make sure students go after their natural desire to contribute to something greater. To be encouraging and how to help that desire to grow. How I need to grow is to always remember to give students as many chances to have options as possible. I need to remember this is important to them. What I need to change is to remember that students need to use the right side of the brain and not just the left. As teachers we need to remember that both sides are important because it with help our students to succeed in todays world.

  4. Our roles as teachers are to ensure a better future for our students. As part of this we need to be better prepared on what that future really is. With the changing economical environment, students must be able to think outside of the box. As their teacher, I must be able to give them that tool. The: I am the teacher talking and you are the student learning can not work in the current world we live in. The video shown earlier by Mr Cosby has shown that given the curriculum guidelines doesn't mean you have to structure the classroom in that exact manner. I have to be prepared to take different directions.

  5. I think in order for me to apply this theory there needs to be an openess with my students. I need to design lessons that allows the students to invest some of their personal experiences. I can also coordinate with them when assignments should be due and how much effort should be put into it.

  6. I feel that there has been customization in teaching, teachers such as Mr. Cosby used technology to reach the students that possibly would have fallen through the cracks in todays society. In order for me to understand the students goals and aspirations, I first have to understand the vision and the mission that we are striving for.
