Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prompt #1:Invocation

Assume you will be responsible for raising children at some point in time, if you haven’t already (either by birth or adoption). When they reach that age where they’re “moving out” of your home, what spiritual understanding(s) would you most want them to take with them from their years of living with you?


  1. I would want my children that you can trust in God and only through a relationship with God, you can truly find success and peace in life.

  2. The most important lessons learned are usually the most painful, and they are born from adversity. So, lean in, don't give up, and don't forget your biggest cheerleader will always have your back.

  3. I would want my children to always do their best and know that being true to who you are will always lead them down the right path.

  4. I would want them to remember to walk with God daily and that God with always be with you.

  5. My son and daughter moved out roughly 4 years ago and have chosen the path of tusting in God to lead their way.

  6. I would have to say that I would want them to trust God in all of their decisions about life and that they depend on him in their times of trouble. I would also hope that they would share the love of God with others and with their own children some day.
