Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prompt #3: Habits of Mind (Mendez)

Review the research of Mendez on Habits of Mind. 

Of the 16 Habits of Mind he references, list the five you consider personal strengths and the five that you would consider as areas most in need of improvement (personally).


  1. I think my five strengths of those listed are finding humor, remaining open to continuous learning, listening with understanding and empathy, thinking about thinking (hello, I'm a woman), and striving for accuracy.

    I could stand to improve managing impulsivity (emphasis on remaining calm when stressed or challenged. Hello, I'm a woman.), creating, imagining and innovating, taking responsible risks (I only enjoy spontaneity when it's carefully planned), gathering data through all senses (I run around most days feeling like my hair is on fire), and suppose the corollary association to that would be responding with wonderment and awe.

    1. Hmmm.... The woman I have been married to for 36 years seems to spend all her time thinking about (and telling me) what I am thinking.

    2. We are quite intuitive like that.

  2. Strengths- Listening to Others with Understanding and Empathy, Learning Continuously, Taking Responsible Risks, Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations and Finding Humor.

    Improvement- Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision, Creating, Imagining and Innovating, Thinking About Our Thinking, Striving for Accuracy and Precision and Thinking Flexibly

  3. Stregths

    Striving for Accuracy
    Questing and posing problems
    Gathering Data to all senses
    Applying past knowledge to new situations

    Improvement needed.
    Managing Impulsivity
    Listening with Understanding and Empathy
    Thinking and Communicating with Clarity and Precision
    Taking Responsible Risks
    Thinking Interdependently

  4. I think my strengths are persisence, self-control, conscientousness, insightfulness, and creativity. My weaknesses are strategic reasoning, craftsmanship, curiosity, grit, and self-confidence.

  5. Strengths are: taking responsible risk, finding humor, applying past knowledge to new situations, responding with wonderment and awe, learning continuously

    Improvement: creativity, thinking flexibly, precision, thinking about thinking, and managing impulsivity

  6. I think my strengths are persisting, managing emplulsivity, applying past knowledge to new situations, taking resonsible risks, striving for accuracy.

    What i need to work on is Thinking and communicating with clarity and percision, thinking interdependently, gathering data to all senses, creating,imagining, and innovating,responding with wonderment and awe.
