Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prompt #4: Noetic Science (Worley)

Review the research of Worley on Noetic Science.

How much or how little of Noetic Science do you “buy”?  Provide rationale for your position.


  1. Noetic Science is a big part of our lives even though we might not be are aware of it. Our attitude, actions and goals are affected on how we perceive the environment around us.

    1. If you believe that, then do you think you can leverage the forces of Noetic Science to impact the learning/thinking of your students?

    2. I believe that I have an opportunity to expose them to a world that they are not aware it exist. Yes, it could change learning and thinking of my students because their personal consciousness will expand.

    3. However, not an easy task.

  2. I think we all need to have a world view and know what is going on in the world. We just need to be aware and pay attention to what is going on around us. So noetic science does play a part even if we do not realize it.

    1. Sounds like you "buy" it (sort of). So, do others cause/change/control your world view, or do you cause/change/control theirs?

  3. I can get behind the theory of Noetic Science for several reasons. As a student of history myself, I find the widely varied human experience quite informative, and totally legitimate. At question in observing someone's behavior is not necessarily my assessment of the legitimacy of their behavior, but what is going on subconsciously within them to justify it? If I start out trying to understand a student behaving in a way counter than what I believe I would behave, I immediately delegitimize, or disenfranchise, that student's feelings. In such a situation, it would be quite difficult to reach a student.

    Everyone has an entirely unique path and life experience, even at the tender age of (enter whatever school age you want to teach). Their varied experiences could be a boon to your classroom.

    1. A boon ONLY if you (the teacher) decide to take advantage of those varied experiences and create learning tasks that expose and legitimize them for others. Not so easily done (and certainly not if one chooses to operate within the paradigm of bubble tests).

    2. Indeed - that's why I wrote could. I understand with standards and the emphasis on standardized testing, many of them feel too stressed, or to stretched, to extend their themselves into this area of personally interacting and understanding each student. I get it, but I can't help but think their classes would benefit immensely if they would choose to understand this.

  4. I think that noetic science has its place but in a limited use. It is important for students to understand the world around them but our personal opinions and experiences can cloud our judgement and perspectives. We can not focus solely on our biased views. We need to have outside influences in order to make appropriate decisions and enhance our learning.

    1. Our personal opinions/experiences DO cloud our judgement and perspectives. As teachers, we have the opportunity (claimed or lost) to allow/teach our students to examine, discuss, consider, and debate the meaning/value of those "outside" influences. If you accept the premise of Noetic Science, we even have the power to "bend" their thinking.

  5. Noetic Science is important to better understand the perception of people around us. I am not sure I am convinced that it should have it's own label or category. It's seems more of a psychological experiment.

    1. Some very interesting research going on these days that suggest support for the ideas espoused through Noetic Science. Of course, hypnotists, card readers, spoon benders, preachers, and Hitler types have for years operated in that realm. Some with rather remarkable success, despite their insanity (Hitler being a prime example). I am still in awe that so many decent human beings were moved to dastardly deeds by his "power" over them.

  6. Noetic Science is important for our understanding of how our environment affects our learning based on our experiences, everyones view is different.
