Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Prompt #9: Brain-Based Learning (Mendez)

Review the research of Mendez on Brain-Based Learning.

Describe for us a teacher in your past who seemed skillful in leveraging this concept.  How did he/she do it?


  1. I would have to say my Texas History professor last year really embodied this concept in her structuring the class. Her prompts and discussions were always different and required us to use our experience and knowledge of the content in a different, perhaps unconventional way.

  2. One teacher I had would try to make the classroom as stress free as possible. She would not try to catch us unprepared but would help us if we did not know the answer. She would never try to embarrass us or put us on the spot. She was encouraging and would always try new ways of learning.

  3. I had a history teacher in high school that would always make sure he was out in the hallway talking to the students about anything and everything. There where times he would share some personal stories of his past, some very tragic and some would make you laugh. This would always make us feel comfortable and at ease in the class. He would also try and relate part of the history to each student, whether it was just made up or relevant and just make us more engaged.

  4. My senior English teacher, Mrs. Villalba, was always in good spirits. She always smiled and made English fun even when she made us do grammar or read Shakespeare. Because she was always in a good mood and was passionate about what she was teaching that made us be in a good mood and be willing to learn.

  5. My sixth grade teacher helped with reducing stress by allowing students the opportunity to make up work if it was missed and she allowed us to redo work to help our grades. We may have had to take a lower grade for missed work but at least she gave us the opportunity of improving.

  6. My instructor in Dynamics of Leadership, we had guest speaker weekly that would share with us their hardships and accomplishments, I always looked forward to that class cause it opened a new method of learning that was inspiring.
